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Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings - Common Myths That People Have

It is pretty simple to attend to Alcoholic Anonymous meetings. When you found out that there is a meeting convention near you and learned about when and where it'll be held, all you need to do is to turn yourself up. Is it that simple? There is no singing up, no prior appointment to be done or fees to pay. There are no obligations or intrusive questions that have to be dealt with. What's more, your privacy and anonymity will be respected by other members.


Furthermore, there is no need to meet particular AA Chips requirements or demands or even come back to meetings. What's more, you can attend various meetings as frequent or as less as you wish. There are so many people who had no clues on what to expect on their first meeting. For some people, what they thought is that attending to such is a scary thing so they opted not to. But in reality, AA meetings have open, relaxing and friendly environment.


Below are some of the common issues that most people worry most before attending to AA meetings.


Are there questions that'll be asked to me?


The answer to this question is a big NO! AA meetings aren't like a health clinic or an appointment to your doctor who will be asking some questions or whatever. AA meetings are informal so all you need to do is to listen and take seat to the stories of other members who are sharing their personal experiences and stories on how they maintain sober and how they have withdrawn from alcohol abuse. You may even talk to others if you wish to or until you feel comfortable. Refer from a helpful video online at


Is there a sign up form I have to fill up?


Once again, the straightforward answer to this question is no. If at some stage in your life that you want to join a particular group, the only thing that you need to do is informing them. In case that you do not want to be a part of any group, that is okay too. And because AA meetings are informal, there's no leader and thus, no one could ever tell you what to do on your drinking habits as everyone minds their own business. If you want to withdraw from drinking, it must be in your own will.


Is it expensive?


The beauty of attending to Alcoholic Anonymous with Sobriety Chips is the fact that it is totally free of charge! No fees to pay or dues to deal with. Just contributions to cover for the hall rented and refreshments.

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